Document Type : Research



The main purpose of this study was to explore the impact of climate on the changes made in the inselbergs of Safi Abad Plain. The ultimate aim of such a study is controlling the changes and make optimal use of geomorphological forms. The applied research used field study. After identifying 18 inselbergs it was found that Posht Bahram highlands of Safi Abad plain had been formed as a result of tectonic activities between the Devonian and the Miocene. Due the formation of the heights, the primary skeleton of the inselbergs had been created and the changes made by the weather have resulted in the current shapes of the inselbergs of the plain. Some climate elements have caused changes in the surface of the inselbergs of Safi Abad plain, among of which are the precipitation by creating rain and flood karrens, temperature through various types of weathering, and wind through creating honeycomb karrens. Moreover, geological formations of the region have also reacted differently to the climate processes. They have had different impacts on the surface of the inselbergs. The most typical inselbergs have been formed in the massive limestones of north as the geological formations more resist against the effects of climate. The inselbergs formed in the conglomerates of the south are, however, change more as their resistance is lower and their appearance is far from typical inselbergs. Moreover, the plain’s northern inselbergs, due to being located on the slopes receiving less sun, have undergone less changes against climatic factors, and the southern inselbergs of the heights have undergone more changes as they are located on the sunny slope.


Main Subjects

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