Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Rural Planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


All over the history cultivating medicinal plants has had a high status in Iran’s traditional system of agriculture. It plays a significant role in diversifying the economic sources of villagers. Agricultural activities have increased income, reduced unemployment, and reduced the poverty of the villagers as a result. Planning on planting medicinal plants helps the prosperity and sustainable development. It also helps to improve the economic development, meet the needs of domestic industries, and have significant foreign exchange earnings. This study aimed to compare the income made by producing medicinal plants compared to other crops in the villages of Kalat. This applied research used a descriptive-analytical method. Collecting the required data was done through documentary and field methods. A survey method was used in the case study that is related to the cultivation of medicinal plants in the region. The sample community of the research was the villages where medicinal plants are produced. The results showed that producing medicinal plants constitutes 50.1% of the total income in agricultural sector of the study area. Moreover, planting medicinal plants per hectare creates an average of 523.6% more income than other crops. The results showed as well that the making income per hectare in producing medicinal plants is more than 5 times that of other crops. If villagers pay attention to the issue, it will improve the income and welfare level of villagers and will reduce their immigration.


Main Subjects

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