Document Type : case study


1 Assistant Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Qaen, Iran

2 MSc in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Urban infill development that emphasizes on utilizing the capacity of vacant and unused land within the built-up areas, dilapidated and brownfield areas is a strategy for controling urban sprawl and its associated effects. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the capacities of infill development in Sabzevar city that is facing challenge of urban sprawl. The required data of the descriptive-analytical study were collected using library and documentary methods. Thirteen criteria were considered to measure the infill development capacities. Then, using the opinion of experts in Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the weight and priority of each criterion was determined. Moreover, the Fuzzy model was used to standardize, fuzzificate and integrate of layers in GIS software. The results indicated that in Sabzevar city, the central zones have more potential in terms of infill development compared to the skurt zones. Although the central zones have less vacant lands, the placement of these lands within existing neighborhoods and their less distance from built-up lands, as well as other factors such as the existence of dilapidated, old and low-quality buildings, worn-out textures, better access to urban services and facilities, have made central zones of the city have more potential for infill development. About 20.29% of the area of Sabzevar city is quite suitable for infill development, 13.15% is suitable, 41.33% is average, 16.98% is unsuitable, and 8.25% is quite unsuitable. Therefore, there is a significant capacity for infill development in Sabzevar city which, if used, can reduce its sprawl.


Main Subjects

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