Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Cultural intelligence has the potential to be generalized to ethnic subcultures within national culture, so local managers, including Dehyaran, can benefit from it in daily engagements. This study tried to explore the impact of cultural intelligence on the contextual performance of village headmen (Dehyaran) in rural area. The statistical population of the descriptive-analytical study consisted of 24 villages having totally 23997 households and population of 86856 residents. Out of the population, 229 people were selected determined by Cochran method and selected by systematic random sampling. To the sample, 24 village headmen, 24 members of the Islamic Council of the villages, and 6 administrative experts were added, so 283 questionnaires were completed. The results of structural analysis showed that cultural intelligence has a positive and direct impact on the yield of dairy farmers with a coefficient of 0.1729. Among the dimensions of cultural intelligence, the cultural intelligence strategy with the coefficient of 5.91 had the most significant positive and significant impact on the contextual performance of the dignitaries in the studied area and then it was cultural intelligence behavior with a coefficient of 2.923 on the contextual performance of effective managers. In this study, the villagers who obtained a higher score of cultural intelligence have been able to show higher levels of contextual performance by self-regulating behaviors in following up on tasks, hard work, and interpersonal facilitation. In this regard, programs related to the strengthening of cultural intelligence are proposed through holding practical workshops by the related organizations.


Main Subjects

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