Document Type : Research


1 Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD Candidate, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


Globalization and rapid changes on the globe has made regional competitiveness become increasingly important for accelerating regional development. In this regard, this study tries to analyze the factors affecting regional competitiveness in East Azerbaijan province using futures study. To collect the required data, library and field methods were used. By using library method, the theoretical foundations, the background of the subject, and influencing factors in the competitiveness of East Azerbaijan Province were studied. Using Delphi method and various questionnaires, the required data were collected. The dimensions and indicators obtained from library method were given to the members of Delphi panel, which finally selected 84 variables in different dimensions to examine the regional competitiveness of East Azerbaijan province. Mic-Mac software was used for data analysis. The results showed that out of 84 influencing factors, 16 factors had played a key role in the regional competitiveness of this province, among of which 8 variables are pertaining to the economic dimension (quality control of goods and services, foreign investment, private sector investment, exchange rate, ease of doing business, export potential, financial rules, and policies, innovation/innovation potential), 3 variables were related to the institutional-political dimension (level of relations with domestic and foreign neighbors, political stability in Iran and region, government support for knowledge-based and innovative businesses), 3 variables were related to socio-cultural dimension (entrepreneurial spirit, investment security, human capital), and 2 variables were related to infrastructural dimension (quality of workforce and infrastructure development).


Main Subjects

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