Document Type : Research


Ph.D. in Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


An important part of the economic activities of the village is home businesses. Entrepreneurship in this field of home businesses and the use of natural and man-made capacities depend on the provision of drivers. This research was conducted in order to study the human drivers of home business entrepreneurship and their impact on sustainable development in the villages of Jarqouye Vosta. The data collection method of this descriptive-analytical study was documentary-survey methods. WASPAS technique showed that different dimensions of human motivation in Peikan village (Qi = 0.11 in this village) had the greatest impact on the process of entrepreneurship development in the field of home businesses. Based on the indicators of diversification of local employment, diversification of household income, resource management, risk tolerance, creativity and foresight, and with the help of the CODAS technique, the impacts of entrepreneurship on the development of sustainable rural home businesses were measured. The results showed that the impact of entrepreneurship on the development of rural home businesses in Habib Abad and Peikan villages was more than the impact on other villages of the Jarqouye Vosta. Finally, by using ARAS technique, the level of sustainability of the villages of Jarqouye Vosta was measured regarding environmental, economic, social and institutional dimensions. The Ki measure showed Habib Abad and Peikan villages ranked first among other villages of the studied region in terms of sustainability.


Main Subjects

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