Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Birjand University


Suburbanization is one of the problems which has currently challenged the modern city system in most developing countries. Based on a report issued by the global organizations of the housing center of the UN, one sixth of the world are suburbanites. Estimates show that due to urbanization trend and increasing urban poverty, suburbanization will double within three decades in future. Under this wave Iran accommodates a considerable population of suburbanites who will jeopardize not only the city system but also the sovereignty of the country if a rational policy is not adopted. One of the signs for suburban development in macro cities like Mashhad is the illegal and hasty housing constructions. They challenge the administration of these cities and lack necessary stability due to ignoring technical and engineering principles. Due to tectonic nature of the region and its seismic precedent, the occurrence of a human disaster is predicted

Key Words: Mashhad, Macrocity, Suburbanization, Illegal Housing Construction
