Document Type : scientific-research article



Extended abstract
1- Introduction
With the Industrial Revolution, cities have begun to develop unevenly and urban spaces have disappeared and problems of health, education, housing and employment in large cities have arisen and balance in the humanities and social relationships among urban residents is over. In cities with population growth, the issue of appropriate spatial distribution of urban services is of great importance. With the increasing use of motorized vehicles, fuel stations locating discussion to this vehicle were interested in in the Cities.
Inadequate spatial distribution of natural gas stations in cities has created many problems for residents. Location is the most important factor in locating a gas station and leads to higher income and better service for consumers with the lowest possible costs. It has been proven that wrong Utility Locating in most towns and cities, especially in large cities that dominate the national and regional cities and towns, has created many problems in inner city traffic and a lot of the manpower and material resources for unnecessary trips have greatly added to the city's environmental problems. The overall objective of this study was to identify and evaluate existing fuel distribution stations and the optimal location of this site in the city of Mashhad using GIS in order to promote the equitable distribution of services and the welfare of citizens. Therefore, in this study, in terms of the location of all gas stations and based on the four criteria of appropriateness, consistency, capacity and availability of the AHP model using geographic information system (GIS) have been studied.
2- Methodology
The methods used in this study were descriptive/analytical and the methods of data collection in this study are a combination of library and field. To achieve the research objectives, indicators and criteria for the location of the centers of stations were identified; this data were then entered into the AHP model using ARC GIS spatial analysis capabilities to analyze the urban location of stations CNG in the city of Mashhad.
3- Results
Our findings show that there are in the city of Mashhad, about 120 thousand NGVs. The city has 14 Dual Purpose and 34 single-purpose stations of CNG; There is a place for every 2,500 cars; While the global standard for every 1000 vehicles must have a status that far. In this city, the areas 9 and 10 with a high population density and the number of gas vehicles, natural gas stations have the greatest shortage in this areas, Region 8 is the worst among other areas in the city while there is one CNG station for every 8,825 CNG vehicles. Stations of natural gas per day in the city of Mashhad are able to service 50,000 NGVs while this is less than half of the NGVs vehicles in Mashhad. Each station has an optimum life of 25 years and due to the late return of capital in constructing CNG Fuel Station Private Sector investment is very low in this area.
4- Conclusion
Results of the location condition of gas stations in terms of appropriateness index shows that more than 72% of natural gas stations are located in an inappropriate condition and 27% of the stations are located in an appropriate condition. Consistency index showed that 61% of the stations are located in an inappropriate condition and 39% of the stations are located in appropriate conditions. The status of locations in terms of capacity index indicates the inappropriateness of 75% stations and appropriateness of 25% stations. More than 62% of the stations are located in an inappropriate condition and 37% of the stations are located in an appropriate condition in terms of availability index. Thus, natural gas stations in Mashhad are not in a suitable condition in terms of both location and the number of stations. The hypothesis regarding the inappropriateness of existing fuel stations (CNG) in Mashhad, with appropriateness criteria, accessibility, adaptability and capacity is confirmed. Evaluation of existing fuel stations in Mashhad, indicating the absence of an expert plan to determine the optimal location of the construction site status that this resulted in the distribution of natural gas stations in this city are inappropriate. The survey of existing natural gas fuel stations in Mashhad, which can get an accurate model of the distribution of stations in the city, it is in areas with density stations (2.7, 12) and in areas with low status and lack station (1, 5, 8, 11, Samen), we faced. According to international standards, for per thousand vehicles, there must be one compressed natural gas; thus, there must be one hundred and twenty stations of compressed natural gas in Mashhad that the existing stations of natural gas are only 48 percent of the sites that should exist according to international standards.
