Document Type : case study


1 PhD in Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 MSc in Rural Geography, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Common catchment areas are becoming increasingly important in the development of hydropolitic stresses in different areas. Based on widespread environmental change, we will see an ever-expanding array of dams for various exploitation by countries in different regions of the world in the next decade. The purpose of this study was to examine the Illslu Dam and the political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts of Turkey's dam construction on the downstream Tigris (Iraq, Syria and Iran). Given that there are no regional treaties for the proper utilization of shared water resources in the Middle East region, such actions by Turkey as an upstream country can lead to environmental crises for downstream countries, exacerbate tensions, and even water wars in the region. The study used descriptive-analytical method. Super Decision software was used to study the impacts of dam on downstream countries of Tigris. Findings show that the incidence of political conflicts with a weight of 0.11026, the destruction of food security with a weight of 0.13774, population displacement with a weight of 0.09788, drying of Horalhvizeh-Horalazim wetland with a weight of 0.09843, infiltration of saline water into the Persian Gulf 0.09337 have the most impact The construction of dams and also these factors will have the greatest impact on increasing tensions between upstream and downstream countries in the short term. In order to solve the problems and difficulties arising from the construction of dams on trans-boundary rivers, we need to ratify and formulate regional treaties between the countries of the common areas.


Main Subjects


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