Document Type : Practical


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Rural Planing, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Geography and Rural Planing, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Nowadays, rural governance as a new process in government with its own indicators can raise new discussions on local governance in rural areas and empower rural residents in different areas of decision making, implementation and evaluation. These are affected by factors such as environmental, economic, social and organizational factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting governance in local management of Zanjan Township. Considering the importance of the subject matter, the type of research is applied and the method is descriptive-analytic. To collect data, two methods of library and field studies were used. The statistical population of this research is 25588 households and local managers of the study area, which was calculated through a sample of rural households of 382 households. Among the local managers, 50 people of the sample village municipality and heads of Islamic councils were selected as samples. To analyze the data, one-sample t-test, Spearman and Pearson correlation and regression were used. The results of the one sample t-test showed that the governance in the study areas is at a moderate level and a correlation test   showed that there is a significant relationship between all components and governance except for the components of distance from the city, the gender of the dignitary, the fire fighting equipment, the ownership of the land, and the building by asistant. Regarding the impact of the components, social capital has had the greatest impact on governance in the study area, so it can be said that in order to improve governance in the region, social capital should be strengthened as much as possible, along with other factors.



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