Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 University of Sistan and Baluchestan

3 University of Sistan and Baluchestan,


Extended Abstract
1- Introduction
It may be asserted that housing problem is globally widespread. However, in developing countries, this problem has become critical because of population and urbanization's rapid growth, internal immigrations, lack of sufficient financial resources, problems regarding land supply, construction materials supply and lack of specialized human forces and, most importantly, lack of proper policy and planning concerning land and housing. As one of the developing countries, Iran is not an exception in this regard.
The analysis of qualitative and quantitative problems of housing is done through items which are seen as variables named "housing indicators" which indicate the different economic, social, cultural, and physical dimensions of the housing as well as the key tool for portraying the perspective of the housing and its planning. The study of physical indicators and form of the housing has special importance. This research tried to study and evaluate the physical indicators of the housing in Piranshahr and analyze the features, characteristics, and generally, the physical condition of the city (based on 15 districts) from different aspects to the extent that the information can be extracted. Generally, the most important goals of this research can be summarized as follows:
Correct and sufficient identification of the status quo of Piranshahr in order to achieve a proper and efficient planning for the physical condition of the housing;
Identifying and understanding the physical condition of the neighborhoods in the city by emphasis on its effect on the spatial justice.
2- Theoretical Framework
Housing as one of the most important basic necessities of mankind is known to tremendously affect human health and well-being. It is widely acknowledged that adequate housing is essential for good life. Housing is a very complicated and widespread issue with different spatial, architectural, physical, economic, social, financial, psychological, and medical aspects. For this purpose, various definitions have been presented for it such that the housing is considered as a physical place and shelter as well as one of the basic and essential needs of family. The study of the housing indicators is one of the known tools and methods for understanding the nature of governing features on the housing which by its help, we can identify effective procedures in the housing. Based on this, housing indicators are the most important key tools in the housing planning which can be used to identify the effective parameters for housing and facilitate decision-making in the process of the housing planning. Housing indicators are divided into four major groups: 1-social, 2-economic, 3-physical, and 4-demographic.
3- Methodology
This research is of applied-developmental type which used the descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of the neighborhoods was all the statistical and extracted data related to Piranshahr city in 2012. The studied indicators included 5 major categories: the age of buildings (in three levels of less than 10 years, 10 to 30 years, and more than 30 years); the quality of buildings (in four levels of repaired, ruined, renewed, and maintainable); the granularity of the residential units (in 7 levels); the number of the floors (1,2,3 and more than 4 floors); and aggregates (in 5 levels including clay, metal frame, wood-block, brick-block, and iron-brick). For this purpose, in order to weight the indicators, network analysis model was used, and in order to rank the urban neighborhoods and evaluate their condition, fuzzy TOPSIS model was used.
4- Results & Discussion
The study of the current condition in Piranshahr city shows that the condition of housing is not equal in different neighborhoods of the city and they have significant differences compared to each other. However, by a look to the condition of housing indicators in different neighborhoods, it becomes clear that a significant percentage of the houses has not been developed in accordance with the available standards. Also, the final indicator of the physical quality of housing in Piranshahr shows that 26.7% of the neighborhoods in the city have desired quality, 40% have moderate quality, and 33.3% have undesired quality indicating the relative difference of the neighborhoods in the city.
5- Conclusions & Suggestions
Regarding the obtained results, we can claim that most of the neighborhoods are not in suitable conditions in terms of the number of floors indicating the spatial difference in the residence pattern of the urban neighborhoods. Furthermore, the findings showed that most urban neighborhoods are in an instable condition. Finally, it is hoped that the suitable condition is achieved in the urban development plans as soon as possible by the cooperation of authorities and people in the proper implementation of the urban development plan, land preparation, and renovation of the old texture.


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