Document Type : scientific-research article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Space and the people living within the confines of a country constitute the domain of the political system and its rule. Governments inevitably need to divide space into a hierarchical form with the corresponding administrative organization to govern space and settlements and exercise their sovereignty. In the meantime, cities are among the man-made spaces that are always taken into consideration in different dimensions, among which the organization, management of urban space are more prominent and visible. Getting organized in the urban space requires a variety of issues and considerations and political management of space is of the utmost importance in organizing the space of cities. Because, with the expansion of cities as the base of human lives that have attracted large populations, it is important to organize these spaces to create better living conditions for citizens. Accordingly, the present study attempts to analyze the factors of political management in the context of understanding political space management, the pattern and form of political space management, the rules and objectives of political space management in organizing urban spaces.
2. Review of Literature
Numerous works have been done in the field of city management, and each of them has discussed the issue in accordance with its point of view. Some of these are as follows:
Zaki and Heydari Mosloo (2014) taking a geopolitical approach explain the role of political space management in urban development programs with emphasis on Iran. The results show that political managers in urban space should be able to have a good understanding of urban development policies and proper city planning. Lotfi (2015) sought to explain why the two islands were not homogenous in terms of development and the relationship between political space management and regional development and the relationship between political space management and heterogeneous development in Qeshm. The results of this study show that Kish Island, with the integration of the space organization, has been able to enjoy the operational level and unilateral decision-making. But Qeshm, due to its two-way management, has not been able to have significant growth and development indicators. The existence of an institution for organizing space in Qeshm in all dimensions is necessary. Ghaederhamati and Morshedi (2016) evaluated the political management of space in new cities of Iran, relying on recognizing all factors affecting optimal political management in new cities. The findings of this study show that its importance in the model of political management has had a high place in fulfilling justice.
3. Method
The method of the present study is descriptive-analytical. Data collection tools are collected in the form of a library (using the resources available in libraries and using documents related to the subject and exploring on Internet sites) and field through a questionnaire.
4. Results and Discussion
Spatial organization is not only the object of local-spatial phenomena but also the relationships between them as well as the development, and evolution of the elements and structures of each geographic space according to the socio-economic conditions. From this point of view, spatial organizing seeks to establish order as a fundamental concept in urban systems (Amanpour & Sajjadian, 2016). Urban spaces produce culture and culture produce urban spaces, and if there is spatial disorganization and social disorder produced in an urban space then divergence of spatial proximity and social proximity will occur and quality and utility of life in that space will be lost in the dialectical space of the two, and the inhabitants will not feel the desirability of life. Tunisia, a German sociologist, believes that urbanization is a transitional society based on bloody circles into an organized society. There is rationality in it, in which study and science and a wise look at the path and stage feel relations between rational (Fathi, 2014). In order to achieve this rational space and to organize it, it is necessary to pay attention and recognize its main actor, namely the political management of urban spaces. Understanding the political management of space and its characteristics is one of the basic requirements for achieving urban space organization. Extraction of effective indicators on the political management of space to organize urban spaces through a review of past work was done through theories, books, dissertations and articles. These extracted indices include 30 factors that are presented in three dimensions for better understanding.

The cognitive dimension of political management of space
Pattern and form of political management of space
The requirements and goals of political space management

The extracted indices in each dimension were given to experts and executives in the form of a questionnaire and evaluated by T-test.
5. Conclusion
Cities, as the most prominent geographical areas in the present era, need to be regulated in order to form a habitable space for citizens. The most important factor affecting the organization of urban spaces is the political management of space. The results of the present study indicate that the political management of space in order to achieve its goal (organization of urban spaces) must be recognized in three dimensions: the pattern, shape and form of political space management and the needs and goals of political space management to strengthen themselves so that they can achieve their purpose. In order to assess the importance and position of these three dimensions in the organization of urban spaces, 10 indicators were extracted for each of the dimensions of past work in this area and a questionnaire was provided by experts and elite officials in this field of study. The results of the library data indicate that all three have a prominent role in organizing urban spaces. On the other hand, the results of the T-test based questionnaire show that all the indicators considered for the above three dimensions have been approved by the elite experts and executives.


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