Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography and Land Management, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 SBUDepartment of Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



The urban master plan is a document which generally defines the spatial, social, economic and physical framework for developing and constructing a city during a 10-year period. This plan is considered as a road map for directing and organizing the space of a city. However, in many cases, these plans are facing with many challenges and problems which prevent them from achieving their goals. Therefore, conducting pathology studies for the purpose of improving the quality of urban master plans and increasing their efficiency in directing and organizing the spaces in cities is essential. In this study, the pathology of Birjand city master plan was conducted based on a data-based approach and using a mixed-method research among 22 experts. First, causal and contextual, intervening, nuclear, strategic, and consequential causes were identified through semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of urban planning and architecture. In the second step, using the qualitative content analysis method, 11 factors, 17 indicators, and 64 variables were obtained for each of these categories, by which a theoretical model was drawn after interpreting the viewpoints. Finally, the effect of various factors on the pathology of the master plan was evaluated by using a dimethyl statistical analysis method. The findings indicated that the background factors (lack of participation, planning perspective, lack of financial resources), strategic factors (damage in analyzing the current situation and damage in goal setting), and intervening factors (political work, social and economic transformations, and sudden demographic changes) are considered among the factors affecting the damage of the master plan in Birjand city directly, and the nuclear and consequential factors can play an indirect role in designing a master plan.


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