Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor in Geography, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Qaen, Iran

2 BSc in Geography, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Qaen, Iran

3 PhD Candidate in Business Management, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran


The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting customers’ loyalty to the ecolodges of Birjand, Sarbisheh, and Khosf. The study was a survey and used library and questionnaire for collecting data. The statistical population of the study includes tourists who resided in the ecolodges of Birjand, Sarbisheh, and Khosf. The sample size in this study was 250 people, using Cochran method. In addition to descriptive statistics like frequency distribution, inferential statistical tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed tangible factors (with Pearson statistic 0.678), credibility factor (with Pearson statistic 0.586), confidence factor (with Pearson statistic 0.146), accountability factor (with Pearson statistic 0.485), empathy factor (with Pearson statistic 0.586), and the factor of loyalty (Pearson statistic 0.394) on the loyalty of tourists to ecotourism resorts is positive and significant. In this study, the factors affecting the loyalty of tourists to ecotourism resorts in Birjand, Sarbisheh, and Khosaf were evaluated based on the six components of tangible factors: credibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and loyalty. Given that there is a significant relationship between customer confidence and loyalty factors, training courses are needed to improve employee behavior. Also, the responsiveness factor has the greatest impact on customer loyalty. The relationship between tourist loyalty and the factor of confidence is less than other factors, however, to maintain and improve this position, measures are needed to gain the confidence of tourists. Providing desirable services to tourists improves the perceived value of services and thus provides tourists with satisfaction and ultimately increases their loyalty to the residence.


Main Subjects


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