Document Type : scientific-research article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Spatial planning which is concerned with land space or geography, is common throughout the world. A Strategic approach as a range of unbreakable management relationships and plannings is effective as it acts as a link and conducts the interactions effectively. Khorasan Razavi is the main center of population in the East of country, which has a special role in national planning, regional planning, and in spatial planning, for the establishment of a strategic approach in the context of long-term planning.
2. Theoretical Framework
Because spatial planning shapes the compilation of other levels of planning, the consequences of spatial planning is different from the other levels of planning.The main objectives of spatial planning are providing logical paths in the utilization of natural and human resources, prevention of wasting the natural resources, prevention of the improper use of these resources, and the optimal use of natural resources and human development. Indeed, the ultimate goal of spatial planning is providing the suitable situation for human life and activities in this area. Therefore, the strategic approach, which is, looking into the future and long-term planning for the future expected construction - with spatial planning- for the balanced distribution of the population in the geographic spaces, is an inseparable link.
The process of strategic planning in spatial planning does not follow a specific process but in general it includes the following steps: 1.Environmental monitoring 2.Selectthe key issues 3. Developing amiss ion statement or the overall objective 4.Analysis of the internal and the external 5.Developing long-term and short-term goals, and strategies with respect to each key topic 6.Strategic action plan for implementation 7.Monitoring and updating.
Strategic Planning unlike conventional planning has two major advantages: 1.SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is the basis for designing the operational strategies to achieve the goals and objectives which are developed in priority areas, 2.Another distinct advantage of this method is its orientation towards action to achieve the operational advantages.
The nature and the capacity of cooperation-seeking of the strategic planning process can increase the effectiveness of implementing strategies.
3. Methodology
This paper aims to present general status of strategic approach in Khorasan Razavi in order to specify the strategic orientation of townships of the province. Therefore, the study applies the experimental methodology and the analytical approach along with using the information in the spatial planning of studies of the province. To this end, using questionnaires and interviews with 60 people province officials and experts, coefficient of matrix of the model is presented.
4. Results and Discussion
In this paper, the internal – external matrixes (IE) for 12 sections may reflect their strategic position. By reconciling these matrixes, the overall strategic planning of the province and strategic analysis of the sectors based on the final status is demonstrated.
Most parts of the province have strategic defensive position (seven parts) and bit parts in the other strategic locations are (two parts in the competitive position and three parts in the conservative position). This status indicates the overall strategic orientation of the province toward its defensive position regarding the cause of the poor performance of the relevant sections of the year. The conservative positions indicates a better performance and competitive position in these sectors.
The following results can be noted: 1.Generally, Khorasan Razavi has the strategic defensive position which indicates relatively high weaknesses in the province (and low strength) while facing relatively abundant threats (and relatively low opportunity). 2. The province must take the path to the desired strategic position in the future to achieve the greater part of its competitive and invasive position.
In order to reach the ideal strategic situation, the province should take two overall strategic moves. First, the parts that can (like the ones that are on the conservative position) should use the environmental opportunities and overcome its internal weaknesses to boost their own strengths. Second, in other parts of the province (who are facing fewer opportunities or threats) internal resources or new opportunities should be used to overcome the weaknesses and create strengths.
In general, it can be said that the province's future strategic actions should strengthen its internal parts. This means that the province should eliminate the internal weaknesses and reinforce or create strengths. If the possible advantages of the environmental opportunities exist, they should be used to resolve environmental threats.

5. Conclusion and Suggestions
Our results indicate the 12 sections of the province overall strategic orientation towards taking a defensive position towards operating the result of poor performance in the relevant sections. Also, a competitive position and conservative approach is shown which indicates a better performance and better position in this sector. Also, among the studied townships, are Quchan, Sabzevar, Joghatay, Jovein,Torbatheidariyeh, DawlatAbad, Dargaz, and Sarakhs which have the safety development . Five townships of Nishabur, Firouzeh, Gonabad, Kashmar, and Bajestan have the development priority strategic position. Khaf, Taybad, and Kalat, have reconstruction of priority orientation, and four townships of Bardaskan, Roshtkhar, Mahvalat, and Khalil Abad, are in the gray condition. Finally, Torbat Jam, Chenaran, and Fariman have "mixed strategy" position.


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