Document Type : scientific-research article


1 University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Type and form of the location that humans choose for settlement have changed throughout the history. These developments have taken place for the welfare of human beings. The existence of low income people and their needs for housing in many cities has caused the the formation of settlements that are of lowest quality in third world countries.
Social housing (Mehr Housing project) for all society income decile by means of cooperative produed in Iran. Based on the implementation of the 31 and 41 principles of the constitution of Iran, there has been less attention to the qualities of housing dimensions. Housing construction projects have been implemented in the city of Zanjan.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the extent of complies with Mehr housing qualitative indicators, such as economic, cultural, ecological, and physical housing indicators. The case under study is 22 Bahman Housibg Project in Zanjan .
2. Theoretical Framework
There are some experiences in relation to housing policy for the low income groups in the global scale. For examples, In Sweden, the government give long term loans with subsidized for housing for urban low-income groups.
in England, central government give the loans and grants to the provision of housing for the low-income groups.
To increase the ability of applicants entering the housing market, the France government subsidized employment from 1930, for all the classes of society for the ease of or acquisition of housing units.
Mehr Housing Project in construction industry is known as projects that mass production methods are used to construct residential units in it. But, it should be noted that on the one hand this pattern had its weakness andon the other hand its implementation and enforc ment, is of cases that would have different results based on its efficiency and effectiveness. Though the construction of mass housing in Mehr housing projects has been one of Iran's government proceedings in the recent years, there has been no comprehensive analysis of its results and effects.
According to the latest estimates on average some 50% of household incomes gained housing across Iran. People in Iran, take different factors as contributing to the extortionate prices in the real estate market.
Various governments in Iran have implemented various plans and polices about Housing, among which, was Mehr Housing project or Social Housing plan. Iran has embarked into importing and applying new civil construction technologies which not only speed up the process of construction, but also cut on the final price of a house.
3. Methodology
The method of this research is of applied and analytical-descriptive type. The data was gathered through library research, field observation, and questionnaire methods. To analyze the obtained data, single-sample t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. The population of study was Mehr Housing Project in Zanjan in which the sample of study included 285 apartment units built in Zanjan. The sample was randomly chosen while 99 residential units were included in the sample of the study using the Cochran's correction sample size formula.
4. Results and Discussion
the present article tries to analyze the consequences of this pattern with statistical approach and descriptive - analytical method while outlining its advantages and disadvantages.
The consequences of this experience are analyzed in five dimensions: procedure, economic, social, urban planning, and environmental. Zanjan's experience shows Mehr housing is on the agenda with the goal of providing housing for the low-income people in order to solve the problems of housing while neglecting other aspects. Finally, this will lead to the destruction of the natural environment, social environment, and the city's physical environment. Based on the results of one-sample t-test model, there was a significant difference between the quality of adequate housing and the Mehr housing project. Besides, economically, there is no proportion between spending and housing prices by the type of facilities and materials used in social housing in Zanjan. Regarding the social dimensions, Mehr housing has failed creating and maintaining neighborly relationships while the privacy (acoustic and visual) offamilies have a good functioning Most Dissatisfaction with Mehr-Housing is related to their physical structure that includes: the lack of the architectural and safety principles, unusual and unconventional use of materials in the interior and exterior units. In the ecological dimensions, like the dimensions listed, lack of green spaces and active recreation places of the city have been Mehr housing’s problems. The results from the correlation analysis between all the four dimensions, with the alpha level .01, showed a strong positive correlation in which the highest correlation coefficient was between the cultural and physical dimensions (571).
5. Conclusions & Suggestions
One of the important policies in Iran’s housing planning has been implemented is social housing policy in the last decade that has been carried out since 1386 in most cities of Iran. Assessing Mehr housing in Zanjanand supplying affordable housing for urban lower-income classes have always been considered as an important planning objective. The policies of Iran’s fourth and fifth development plan (referred to as Maskan-e-Mehr or Kindness Housing Project) is intended to supply more affordable housing for the urban low-income classes. For this purpose, the state sector has strove to reduce the average house price as much as possible through the cession of land in Zanjan. In turn, families just have to pay the housing construction. the present study indicates that Mehr housing project for Zanjan residents is in a desirable condition and there has been no dissatisfaction regarding any dimensions of Mehr qualitative housing. The results of the correlation coefficient indicated a significant and direct relation between the dimensions of housing indicators. In other words, the extent of the inhabitants’ discontent in terms ofthe various aspects of housing and dissatisfaction has been increased in the quadruple aspects of fit. In conclusion, it can be said that the Maskan-e-Mehr Project in Zanjan , gives a special attention to the people with less qualitative dimensions of housing, especially to those with the physically low quality houses.


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