Document Type : Research-Case Study


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Paying attention to the activity of medicinal plants is one of the analytical approaches in the field of rural development studies. This study tried to analyze the obstacles to the activity of medicinal plants in the cold-weather rural areas of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. The statistical population consisted of 13 villages of cold regions of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. Considering the census of 2021 and based on Cochran's formula, 383 questionnaires were randomly distributed among local people. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The attitude of the local people in 13 villages of this province was investigated and measured. To answer the questions of the research, factor analysis was used. Therefore, the value of KMO for examining the obstacles to the activities of medicinal plants was 0.696 and Bartlett's value was 630.019, which was significant at the 99% confidence level. They explain the percentage of variance of all the variables and 46.696% of the remaining variance is related to other factors that have not been predicted. So, the first factor, economic barriers with its specific value (3.269), explained more than 11.273% of the total variances, and the sixth factor is information barriers with a specific value of 2.273 and its variance value is 7.838 is in the last factor. The results showed that there were many obstacles in carrying out medicinal plant activities in rural areas.


Main Subjects

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