Document Type : Research


PhD student of International Relations at Gilan University


In recent years, China has been increasingly trying to increase its economic and military power. Meanwhile, Beijing's continued influence in South Asia is expanding, which directly challenges India's dominant position in the region. Beijing has also begun to expand its relations with Islamabad, which is considered a strategic threat by India. In this regard, by creating a strategic alliance with America and developing relations with some countries in East Asia and the Pacific, India uses it as a lever to pressure China and weaken and isolate it regionally. Thus, the main research question is, what strategy does India follow to reduce China's growing threats in South Asia? The hypothesis of the research is that India, due to its long-term border disputes and conflicts with China, has always been concerned about the country's rise to power, the modernization of the Chinese army, as well as Beijing's cooperation with Islamabad, as Delhi's most important rival and enemy in South Asia. feels threatened; Therefore, by establishing a strategic alliance with Washington and developing relations with some countries in East Asia and Oceania, Delhi is taking steps to neutralize the growing power of China and ultimately control and isolate this country in the region, which can balance the power in the region. India should help China in South Asia. The research findings show; India is always concerned about the development of China's cooperation with Pakistan and its transformation into a dominant Asian power; Therefore, in order to prevent Delhi from being surrounded by China and Pakistan in the region, It is trying to expand relations with some East Asian and Pacific countries and establish an alliance with Washington, which is part of India's strategy to create deterrence against China and Pakistan axis and reduce its concerns in South Asia.


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