Document Type : Research-Case Study


1 PHD Student of Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran.Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


High-rise construction is one of the important approaches of the big cities of the world, which has become popular due to the increasing population growth, scarcity and high cost of land, and horizontal development of cities. One of the most important dimensions that has influenced the process of high-rise construction is the environmental dimension. For this reason, this study was done to evaluate the environmental effects of high-rise development in Ahvaz city using futurology approach. This study is practical in terms of its purpose and analytical-exploratory in terms of its nature and method. To collect the data, a questionnaire and Delphi technique and document-library studies were used. The findings showed that among the 33 main factors affecting the environmental sustainability of high-rise construction in Ahvaz city, 18 variables are key and influential factors. The variables that have the most influence on the environmental future of high-rise development in Ahvaz city are population factors, attention to the economic values of recycling, access to sunlight, bicycles, lack of urban parks and open spaces, temperature, humidity, wind, touch, compliance of environmental laws with the landscape, ecological elements, land and soil conditions, pedestrian crossing, topography and geology, development of environmental diplomacy plans, smell, public transportation, and socio-cultural issues. Due to the high influence of the micro-climatic and socio-cultural factors regarding environmental sustainability on the high-rise building process by Ahvaz city officials, considering the issues can determine the success or failure of the sustainable environmental indicators of Ahvaz city high-rise development. Finally, solutions are suggested to improve the current situation, which require the serious attention of managers and urban planners.


Main Subjects

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