Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Political development, as an indicator, is a process of transition from underdevelopment to development which is also mentioned as democratization. Political participation and free choice based on meritocracy is an objective manifestation of the political development index. In addition to the national laws, the representative election by the local people, is affected by the local conditions, attitudes, and values which very remarkable in developing countries. Besides, tribal and sectarian identity is selected as one of the most important factors of choice. It should be noted that the relationship between the sponsor-pursuant in the third world and the developing countries is considered to be a major constraint of transition to democracy the typical example of which can be seen in systems based on solely tribalism and clan-oriented.Mostly in the Iranian local communities, political participation with ethnic biases orientation and weaknesses of various intensity are observed due to the historical, social, ethnic and tribal structure. In fact, geographical segments may be pointed to the tribes who are living in Nurabad Mamasani the dependence intensity of its roots and the social structures of which havebeen remained somewhat strong.
2. Theoretical Framework
The social structure of the Iranian tribes includes tribes, threatening, camping, and family. The tribe is one of the main basis of the social system of tribes. Essentially, the tribe is an Arabic term and is a social and political unit that is comprised of smaller components called race, descent or lineage, and family. The term trend, is mainly a way to stretch intellectually, emotionally, and mentally that is directly attributed to identity and epistemological issues that can be used to analyze the economic, political, social, and environmental protection. One of the most important functions in the social analysis, in particular tribe, is tribe. So, it can be said that the clan –orientation is defined as the person’s tendency to deem the best for their particular culture which is important regardless of belonging to a clan. The tribe structure , basically, is based on the organizational social model and the informal and the " Jamin shaft " and " Guzel shaft " of Ferdinand Toennies along with the traditional systems of Talcott Parsons. Jamin shaft is established as the traditional model based on kinship ties. Communities of Guzel shaft are characterized by bureaucratic organizations or the new industry. Kinship ties are irrelevant and relations between persons are characterized as formal having lack of emotions. According to Tönnies, the evolution trend of public is from Jamin Guzel shaft to the shaft.One of the latest attempts to classify the traditional and modern societies ' is Talcott Parson’s model variables of action recognitionscheme.
In Parsons traditional society, member’s relations are based on Kinship, informal relations, and Patriarchy. These features can be seen in a structure called the tribe oriented systems. Political development theorists have gained govermental power and efficiency as the most important factors in the political development. For example, Huntington(1927) argues that the strength increases in communities that have concentrated government. Pye(1921) see the increase of system’s capacity in responding to the needs and wants of the people due to the diversity of structures and structural specialization and knows the Increase of political participation necessary for political development. Regarding the elections and political development, it is important to note that although the election is one of the political development indicators, it is not the absolute component. Election is one transition from tradition to modernity to achieve power through peaceful, and legal channels.
Despite the increase in citizens political participation in a mechanism as elections the Sectarian tendencies in Nurabad Mamasani city led to a conflict between tribes, street violence, and ultimately a lack of social, political, and economic development of city which resulted in the citizens complaints to the authorities and representatives of the city.
3. Methodology
To answer the research questions, analytical –descriptive methodology and the library resources and questionnaires were applied. Based on the research variables, a questionnaire form with 49 questions (five options) was developed. The key indicators of the questionnaire including the first indicator and the second indicator focus on the development of family-oriented politics. To analyze the data, we used the Spearman Correlation test and other descriptive methods by SPSS software.
4. Results and Discussion
Since the dominant model of political culture in Nurabad Mamasani has a clan-based function and a bulk of representative votes is a function of traditional rivalry between the tribes of Mamasani, and other overall process of democratization. So, the tribes of the city still retain many of its traditional elements and it’s residents set their social, economic, cultural, and political relations based on traditional elements. Accordingly, Nurabad mamasani can be called as a member of tribal towns. Kinship and a sense of belonging to a tribe which has great implications on the political behavior of the voters have caused the election campaign of Mamasani Nurabad town become a clan conflicts.
5. Conclusion and Suggestions
The analysis of the results and the tables relating to different periods of parliamentary elections indicate that although the clan-oriented rate before and after the election is stagnated, however, at the election time it is increased to the extent that stress can kill the individuals of their tribe to victory such as the ninth round of parliamentary elections. In other words, we can say that between origins of the clan, tribe orientation is more preferred and can hardly be said that the clan-orientation research has played a significant role since the Islamic Consultative Assembly candidate in election, and the tribal orientations played a key role in the political underdevelopment of Nurabad Mamasani due to its incomplete transmission through the stages of political development including election which led to the philosophy of clan orientation.
Given that the clan orientation plays and important role in the politics of the underdeveloped parts, seven basic strategies will be provided to solve the crisis of clan orientation in Nurabad Mamasani city:
• Forming unions of anti-clan orientation.
• Creating a balanced system through the control of tribal leaders by elites opposing the clan orientation.
• Advertising and notifying the Unions against the clan orientation toward reducing the mass emotion.
• Cohesion of candidate’s before the election for their comfort and health.
• Candidates note to meritocracy rather than democracy.
• Non fanatical behaviors of candidates toward citizens.
• Shifting the public opinion to the political and economic developments in other towns while trying for a union between the tribes.


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