Document Type : Research-Case Study


1 PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan. Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Most countries suffere from a pandemic and an increase in the number of confirmed cases, so they adopt different strategies to respond to the outbreak and use all possible resources effectively and quickly in an anti-pandemic campaign. In addition to meeting daily needs, urban structures must have the basic capacity to respond to emergencies. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive picture of urban health self-sufficiency status in Jiroft and to provide possible solutions to respond to emergencies in COVID-19 conditions. Data were collected through interviews  and documentary method using the COVID-19 prevalence statistics of Jiroft City until December 2021 and the comprehensive plan of Jiroft City (2016). The study's statistical population included the city's five districts based on the master plan and the experts present in a symposium. For data analysis, EDAS and the importance and performance of IPA were used. The results showed that Jiroft as a whole has not acted as a self-sufficient environment in pandemic conditions. Only area two has been able to withstand the pandemic due to the concentration of urban health components. The strategies of moving doctors' offices from Rajaei Street to side streets, setting up active arrangements for every organization, and obtaining a separate budget for every organization were recognized as the most probable solution according to the conditions of Jiroft city.


Main Subjects

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