Document Type : Research-Case Study


1 Ph.D. Student of Political Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 Najafabad

3 Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.


form of government and type of political regime, geography of power and support, ecological minorities, strategic environment and surrounding spaces of the country, etc. are effective in dividing the land space. In Iran, due to the territorial extent and the territorial model of the country's administration, which is of a simple type, the country's division system is affected by the orders and programs issued from the capital. The historical survey of the country's provinces shows that since the Islamic revolution, the number of provinces has increased in terms of numbers, but in terms of quality, there is no proper and desirable trend in their development. Kermanshah province, as one of the western provinces of the country, has 14 cities, 31 urban centers, 86 villages and 2,793 villages in line with the country division system.. The main goal of the article is to identify the most influential factor among the four political, geographical, economic and social factors affecting the efficiency of the national division system of Kermanshah province. The main question raised is that Which of the four political, geographical, economic and social factors affecting the efficiency of the national division system in Kermanshah province has had the greatest impact? Therefore, this research has been done with a quantitative method and with the nature of a descriptive-analytical method. Also, to analyze the findings of the article, the method of factor analysis and one-sample T-test have been used. The target sample size was 95 experts and specialists in the field of country divisions in the governorates of Kermanshah province who answered the questions. The results of the research findings show that among the four case factors investigated in this article, economic factors have had the greatest impact on the efficiency of the national division system of Kermanshah province.


Main Subjects