Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Local village markets are create a fundamental transformation in the function, production, employment, and change of the economic and physical structure of villages. The advantage of markets is direct supply of manufactured products and the reduction of sales and marketing costs of farmers due to the direct sale. This research tried to locate local rural markets, which are considered to be among the most effective methods of rural development. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. Applying Cronbach's test, it was proved that the questionnaire has good reliability with a value of 0.853. The data were analyzed by Spss software using Friedman test, decision tree, and k-means cluster methods. The results showed that out of 68 indicators, the average ranking of indicators related to tourist attractions, activities related to the market, and agriculture and horticulture ranked 1 to 3, respectively. Based on the decision tree analysis, 31 villages were classified in the appropriate category for the establishment of permanent local markets. The clustering analysis based on the impact factor placed 2, 25 and 5 villages in priority 1 to 3 for implementing the local market. Based on the results, 20 villages were found suitable for establishing a local road market and 89 villages were found suitable for the establishment of periodic local markets. Moreover, in each of the selected villages that benefit from ICT services and their residents have electronic literacy, virtual markets that have no borders and restrictions can be established.


Main Subjects

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