Document Type : Research


1 ferdowsi univesity

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


As a result of the changes that have taken place in the last few decades, the place and level of the role of geographical issues such as borders in the relations between countries has increased. The present study with a descriptive-analytical approach has investigated the extent of the impact of different border dimensions on relations between countries. According to the findings of the present research libraries, the effective border dimensions in relations between Middle Eastern countries include 10 territorial, demographic, economic, political, geopolitical, security and defense dimensions, historical, legal and structural, border issues and actors, and technology. In the form of 59 questions in the form of a questionnaire in order to prioritize the extent of their effects on relations between countries and was provided to the statistical population of the study, which included 19 elites familiar with border issues and studies, to analyze Field Findings The partial least squares structural equation modeling software (SPLS) is used. The results of the research in terms of fitting the structural model of the research showed that the four dimensions of defense and security, historical, demographic and political have the greatest impact on the relations of Middle East countries. Border region, border line length, geopolitical weight of border countries, level of development of the border region compared to the center have the greatest impact on relations between countries.


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