Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate in Climatology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Climatology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The main goal of this research was identifying effective sea level circulation patterns in creating atmospheric rivers associated by heavy rains in Iran. Precipitation data were obtained from the Iranian Meteorological Organization and atmospheric gridded data including specific humidity, zonal wind, meridional wind and sea level pressure were obtained from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the period 1988-2018. The data were analyzed using the 99th percentile to identify heavy rains, integrated vapor transport (IVT) was used to identify atmospheric rivers, principal component analysis with S array and Varimax rotation was used to reduce variables and Ward Hierarchical Clustering Analysis was used to identify effective circulation patterns. From 13 principal components as inputs of cluster analysis, 5 main circulation patterns were obtained which were effective in heavy rains caused by atmospheric rivers. The results showed that the atmospheric rivers are mainly effective in 50% of the events under the influence of strong and relatively strong Sudanese low pressure. Moreover, Siberian and Tibetan high pressures are observed in most of the patterns and western high pressures are observed in some of them, which have often extended to the borders of Iran and show their influence on Iran. The influence of southern low pressure, including the Sudanese and the convergence of the Red Sea, is also evident, which is mainly strengthened over the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf and comes towards Iran. In general, the expansion of eastern and western high pressures in mid-latitudes and relatively strong to strong low pressures in low latitudes, shows more prominent role of the two extratropical (North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea) and tropical (Indian Ocean and The Red Sea) moisture sources in providing the moisture of the atmospheric rivers.


Main Subjects

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