Document Type : case study


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Ph.D, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Ph.D Candidate,Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


This research aimed to explain the regeneration indicators of worn-out structures of Urmia city. While examining the priority and determining the weight of the indicators in regeneration, the importance and performance of these indicators and the way of pursuing them by the relevant institutions are examined and finally the priority of the indicators are determined. A descriptive-analytical method was used to explain the regeneration of the city's worn-out structures. For this, 24 indicators, obtained from reviewing the literature, theoretical foundations, and field studies, were used. The priority of the indicators in regeneration, and the weight of each were determined. At the end, to see the compatibility value, the best-worst model was used, then the importance/performance method was used to check the way of implementing regeneration indicators. The sample is consisted of 20 people, selected by the snowball sampling method. The results showed that the regeneration indices of worn-out structures are consistent with the appropriate value of 0.039, among which the participation indicator has the best and the population density indicator has the worst preference. Also, the results obtained from the IPA model showed a great contradiction between the importance and functions of regeneration indicators, so that most effort, capital, cost and time for regeneration have been placed on indicators with low priority, while in important indicators, the level of performance is very low. The results showed as well that for the regeneration of worn-out structures in Urmia city, the programs should focus on indicators “individual-group participation”, “improvement of historical attractions”, and “improvement of employment and income”.


Main Subjects

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