Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 departmant of geography, ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 department of Geography ferdowsi university of mashhad

3 emeritus Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University

4 department of geography ferdowsi university of mashhad



Management of water resources is basically a difficult and complex matter, because an ecosystem includes human factors in addition to natural phenomena, which include variable components such as natural diversity, complex dynamics and scale dependencies in place and time. This study, with a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to investigate the role of political management of space on the stability of large water resources in the watershed of the central plateau of Iran. The method of data collection was done in library form and data analysis was also done by inferential method. The results of the research show that the instability of water resources in the catchment basin of the Central Plateau of Iran has been affected by three categories of dimensions and components of the political management of space, which are: a) structural/administrative/economic dimension; b) the dimension of political divisions of space (organization of space); c) Political and legislative dimension. In the structural/administrative/economic dimension, variables such as the inefficiency of the executive bodies of water resources management; Non-specialist bureaucracy governing the executive process of the country; national development programs; economic activities of the government; In the dimension of political divisions of space (organization of space), variables such as the imbalance of provincial units; concentration of activity and population in geographical places and spaces; forces affecting the organization of space; And finally, in the political and legislative dimension; Variables such as concentration in decision-making and legislation, top-down relationships of the government towards stakeholders; Characteristics of legislative institutions from the aspect of plurality and independence in legislation; They are among the most important dimensions and variables that have challenged the stability of water resources in this watershed of the central plateau of Iran from a quantitative and qualitative aspect.


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